About the Book - A New American Family, A Love Story by Peter Likins About the Book - A New American Family, A Love Story by Peter Likins
About the Book - A New American Family, A Love Story by Peter Likins
"I have gradually come to understand that my commitment to my family has nurtured and beennurturedby my childhood belief that the ideals of the American democracy would someday be realized, the belief that someday people who look like my children would be accepted as just typical Americans . . . a new kind of 'all American family," born and raised in a changing America."
About the Book

Pete and his wife Pat adopted six children, all born in the 1960's in California.  Two were the product of black and white unions, two were Native Americans, one daughter was an Anglo child and one son was of mixed Hispanic and Germanic American heritage.

Over the years, the bonds of this close-knit family were forged by unconditional love and shared success in personal, athletic and academic achievement, and tested by racial prejudice, schizophrenia, drug addiction, congenital health issues, unwed pregnancy and sexual orientation.

In his moving memoir, Pete Likins shares the tale of the "New American Family," a story founded in love and respect, a story that speaks to every family in America.


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